Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 15


Case 1

MB 42
GSW suicide (head)

Case 2.

FW 38
GSW homicide (chest)

Husband locked bedroom door (after children (9 and 3 YO) were in bed. Wife was asleep next to him in bed, found on floor next to bed. Husband shot her twice in chest w/ .45 Glock. Husband then called 911 for EMS, immediately afterward shot self under jaw w/ same weapon. Found in bed, holding gun and Bible. EMS/police were greeted at scene by 9 YO running out onto porch crying about “the bangs.”
Sealed envelopes, addressed to different family members, found throughout house.

Case 3

FW 58
Natural vs. OD
Deceased had friend over for dinner. Friends left for “20 minutes” or “one hour” (depending on story) to go to the store. Decedent set the table for them when they got back, seemed unwell, short-of-breath, later collapsed.
Hx obesity, prior strokes, MI, walker, was on oxygen, heavy smoker, diabetes, HTN, COPD.
310 lb.
Syringe/spoon W/ heroin residue found in house.
Decedent’s boyfriend is a heroin addict, said she was “high,” but son said that decedent had never used, would do anything to help BF get clean.
COD poss. nat/cardiac

Case 4

MW 73
Poss. nat.
No medical hx, refused to see doctors.
COD advanced pharyngeal cancer

Case 5

WM 59
Hx. HBP, recent surgeries, nausea, back pain.
300 lb.
Decedent fell from roof while clearing ice.
Found unresponsive, wedged between bed and heater.
Lg. 10 in x 2.5 ft burn from R shoulder to L hip.

The murder/suicide was terribly sad, but I fear we handled it with our usual sort of gallows humor. Saw my first breast implants today, floppy bags of saline, clean and shiny, in smooth little pockets of fascia over the ribs. I would not initially have suspected their presence, except for the little semi-circular scar in the top part of the navel. The areolas were grossly stretched for the size of the breasts, despite the otherwise apparently skillful work that had been done.

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